Wednesday, July 17, 2013


day two , we woke up at 7 am and we ate cereal and we left the long house at about nine and went to warm springs fisheries to meet up with Austin smith and Jason grant  Austin smith is a wild life technician and Jason grant is a on rez fish biologist we got to go to a river where they had it restored and since then they got a new type of fish there they got Coho which is native to the stream originally  they completed the project in 2009 ,  afterward we went back to the long house and I went swimming we went swimming in the river and we were being fish and tried to swim upstream and we found how hard it is to b e a salmon afterwards we went back to the long house we made rope it was a exiting experience taut by cialita and ate chili dogs played a game that was called wolf it came from a fellow camper it was so fun .

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